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Michel de Rougemont

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Innover Et Optimiser

  • ROP - INNOVER ET OPTIMISER 1: Recherche opérationnelle et optimisation Course manager Laurent Flores (13.5)
    • Objectif et Contenu du cours : Le cours propose une introduction à la recherche opérationnelle et aux approches algorithmiques dites « d’optimisation ». Après un apport théorique sur le sujet, l’étudiant met en application au travers d’exemples issus de l’environnement marketing de l’entreprise.
    • Mode d’évaluation : Contrôle continu : sous forme d’exposés et de remises de rapports (travail en groupe 2 à 3 personnes).
  • CRE - INNOVER ET OPTIMISER 2: Gestion et stimulation de l’innovation et de la créativité en milieu professionnel Course manager Natacha Laniado (13.5)
    • Innovation and Creativity are often seen as crucial for individual success and companies’ performance, and indeed for economic growth and social development. Business innovation is broader in scope than product or technological innovation, as it also involves changes to organizational processes, structures and services. Creativity is a central aspect of innovation, as it drives the generation of new ideas and behaviours. Is creativity about finding new solutions or about exploring new problems altogether? How can we become more creative? Moreover, is it always the “best” solutions that prevail in the market? If not, what else matters for success? In addition to creativity, innovation requires tailored expertise, coordinated resources and appropriate structures.
    • This course will address the above topics taking you through a journey from the creative processes within our minds to the management of innovation within organisations. It will dwell into your mind and make the student use all the creativity and innovation that has been long asleep. This course will help the student understand that everyone has their own creativity and innovation embedded in them and how it can be used not only professionally but in every day situations.
    • Evaluation: Students will be sitting a written exam and will unleash their creativity on to paper, they will create a new business, innovate a new product using their creative juices. Throughout the years of teaching I have heard many students saying they were not creative or innovative and I have proved them wrong,