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Michel de Rougemont

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  • VEN - COMMERCE 1: Psychologie de la négociation et techniques de vente. Course manager Natacha Laniado (13.5)
    • No matter your profession or industry, you’ll benefit from understanding the psychology behind successful sales techniques. Not only will you refine your ability to close deals, but you'll also up your confidence when it comes to interacting with people in your daily life. With access to detailed instruction, a continuous assessment process, and a community of fellow students, you’ll have an abundance of resources for your personal and professional growth.
      • Get an overview on the art of sales persuasion
      • Establish the rapport necessary to close a sale
      • Read body language & physiology to judge the efficacy of your pitch
      • Understand how to frame, present & support your arguments
      • Craft a plan of action: set goals & build a strategy
    • Evaluation. Students will present a product and sell it to the the Lecturer, they will be evaluated not only on they psychology of sales knowledge and all that was taught during the course, but they will have to use FAB and AIDA technique in their presentation. All the previous skills learnt throughout the Master will have to be included within the presentation. The VEN exam is an opportunity for the student to put into practice all that was learnt during the year.
  • CRM - COMMERCE 2: Gestion des relations clients orientée services informatiques opérés et vente de biens informatiques. Course manager Natacha Laniado (13.5)
    • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is developing into a major element of corporate strategy for many organisations. CRM, also known by other terms such as relationship marketing and customer management, is concerned with the creation, development and enhancement of individualised customer relationships with carefully targeted customers and customer groups which results in maximizing their total customer life-time value.
      • What is customer relationship management?
      • Looking at customers.
      • Managing the customer.
      • What is Social CRM.
      • CRM, communication and people.
      • Negotiating with customers.
      • Conducting successful meetings with your customers.
      • Designing and delivering a successful presentation.
    • Evaluation. Students will be sitting a written exam answering multiple choice questions and they will be given situations in which the will have to be able to solve the best way making sure that the company and the client come out satisfied and no one loses.